Business English Vocabulary

Top 4 Tips for Learning New Vocabulary

Top 4 Tips for Learning New Vocabulary 1. Learn the correct pronunciation.
If you don’t pronounce your words correctly, people won’t understand what you are talking about. For example, there is a difference between /ch/ and /sh/ sounds. Let’s look at the example below and see what happens when /ch/ is not pronounced correctly.

A: What do you usually do on the weekend?
B: I watch / wɑːtʃ/ TV. (correct pronunciation)
B: I watch /wɒːʃ/ TV. (incorrect pronunciation; it is ‘I watch TV.’ Not ‘I wash TV.’)

As you can see, a slight change in pronunciation can make a big difference in meaning and easily confuse the listener.

2. Learn new words in context or situation.
The word ‘awful’ means terrible, disgusting, or very bad. In this example, you learn the meaning without knowing how to use it in a sentence. In the following sentences, you will learn how the word ‘awful’ is used in different situations and becomes more meaningful to you as a learner.
: I had an awful dream last night.
: The steak was tough and tasted awful, so we complained to the manager.

3. Make your own sentences.
After learning the meaning and the pronunciation of a new word, you should try to make your own sentence(s); this is how you can improve your communication ability and take your English to the next level.
Okay, let me think.……..
: The weather was awful on Sunday.
: I felt awful when I woke up this morning.

4. Use an English-English Dictionary.
Once you have reached the intermediate level, you should start to use an English-English dictionary. It is one of the best ways to expose yourself to your target language. An English-English dictionary can accelerate your learning progress faster than a bilingual dictionary.
attractive (adjective) charming, beautiful, pretty, interesting, likable
: She is an attractive tall woman.
: His new car looks very attractive.

Business English Vocabulary Plus Example Sentences

business english vocabulary plus example sentences
v = verb
n = noun
adj = adjective
adv = adverb
idm = idiom
phr v = phrasal verb
acquire (v) /əˈkwaɪər/ buy or purchase something
: My company has acquired a new building.
: We acquired the raw materials at low prices.
acquire (v) /əˈkwaɪər/ learn a skill
: How long does it take to acquire a new language.
: She acquired a good knowledge of Japanese in one year.
acquisition (n) /ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn/ buying an asset or object
: We are excited about the acquisition of the new headquarters.
: We faced many problems during the process of acquisition.
admit (v) /ədˈmɪt/ to agree that something is true, right, or valid
: We have admitted our mistakes.
: You have to admit that she is right.
avoid (v) /əˈvɔɪd/ keep away from doing something
: We avoid using low-quality materials in our products.
: You should avoid drinking alcohol during business hours.
board of directors (n) /bɔːrd/-/əv/-/daɪˈrektərz/ a group of people who are elected by the shareholders to manage the affairs of the company
: The Board of Directors decided to hold their annual meeting behind closed doors.
: The new proposal was rejected by the board of directors.
borrow (v) /ˈbɔːrəʊ/ to take and use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of giving it back later 
: We borrowed money from the bank to purchase new equipment for our factory.
: I would like to know how much I can borrow for a home loan.
budget (n) /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ the amount of money that you have available to spend for a particular purpose
: The company is planning to reduce its budget for training programs.
: We need a higher budget for the new project.
budget (v)/ˈbʌdʒɪt/ to provide a certain amount of money for a particular purpose
: Our department has budgeted $250,000 for the new system.
: You need to learn how to budget if you don’t want to be in the red.
capital (n) /ˈkæpɪtl/ money, funds
: You don’t need to have much capital to start your own business.
: We need to attract foreign capital to grow our economy.
 collaborate (v) /kəˈlæbəreɪt/ work together, co-operate
: The manager collaborated with the design team on the new project.
: Two countries are collaborating to develop better trading systems.
collaboration (n) /kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃn/ when you work with another person or group to produce something
: We created our training materials in collaboration with teachers.
: The production of the engine is the result of collaboration between the two companies.
confirm (v) /kənˈfɜːrm/ affirm, assure
: He confirmed that there was no problem with the latest software.
: Would you please confirm the time of next Monday’s meeting?
confirmation (n) /ˌkɑːnfərˈmeɪʃn/ approval, validation
: We look forward to receiving your confirmation.
: I will email you as soon as I receive my flight confirmation.
consume (v) /kənˈsuːm/ use, eat, drink
: We are still consuming too much paper.
: How much electricity does your department consume?
consumption (n) /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ using, eating, drinking
: Oil consumption is slightly higher.
: Japan’s consumption tax was raised to 10 percent in 2019.
consumer (n) /kənˈsuːmər/ customer, buyer, shopper
: Consumers are not satisfied with the after-sales service.
: Consumer spending increased by 2% during the summer holidays.
convince (v) /kənˈvɪns/ to make someone believe that something is true
: Their reason for the late delivery didn’t convince me.
: We convinced the manager to buy new computers for the design department.
consensus (n) /kənˈsensəs/ a general agreement, agreement
: We couldn’t reach a consensus on oil prices.
: There is a lack of consensus among politicians.
deadline (n) /ˈdedlaɪn/ time limit, finishing date
: Our team wasn’t able to meet the deadline because of the strike.
: The deadline was approaching, so we had to work overtime.
dispatch (v) /dɪˈspætʃ/ send, ship
 : Two salesmen have been dispatched to Spain.
: I will dispatch your order as soon as I receive the payment.
distribute (v) /dɪˈstrɪbjuːt/ hand out, deliver
: We distribute our products using our company-owned trucks.
: You are allowed to distribute copies of free software.
downsize (v) /ˈdaʊnsaɪz/ reduce, decrease, lower
: The company is planning to downsize its employees by 20%.
: How to keep employees motivated after downsizing?
dress code (n) /dres/-/kəʊd/ the rules about what to wear in a particular situation
: What is your company’s dress code policy?
: My company decided to enforce a strict dress code.
estimate (v) /ˈestɪmeɪt/ guess, evaluate, judge
: Can you estimate how many workers we need to complete the project?
: Analysts estimate the company’s stock price will rise 10%.
exchange rate (n) /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/-/reɪt/ the value of a country’s currency compared to another currency
: A higher exchange rate makes it difficult to export our products.
: Changes in exchange rates affect import prices. 
export (v) /ˈekspɔːrt/ to send products or goods to another country
: My company exports seafood to Japan.
: Many of our products have been exported to overseas markets.
extend (v) /ɪkˈstend/ expand, lengthen, increase
: We have decided to extend our product range.
: I asked them to extend the deadline to March 25th.
feedback (n) /ˈfiːdbæk/ comments, response, advice
: You need to pay attention to customer feedback.
: Customer feedback helps you determine if your clients are satisfied with your products.
forecast (v) /ˈfɔːrkæst/ anticipate, predict
: The financial adviser forecasted that gold prices would fall further.
: Our president forecasted higher profits next year.
forecast (n) /ˈfɔːrkæst/ anticipation, prediction
: Sales forecasting is an essential part of our business.
: Economic forecasts are not always accurate.
import (v) /ˈɪmpɔːrt/ to bring in products or services from another country.
: We import raw materials from African countries.
: Meat products are imported from New Zealand.
import (n) /ˈɪmpɔːrt/ products or services that are brought in from another country
: Beef imports from New Zealand will be increased.
: You need an import license to import goods.
improve (v) /ɪmˈpruːv/ to make something better, get better
: What can we do to improve our business?
: We need to improve the quality of our products continually.
improvement (n) /ɪmˈpruːvmənt/ enhancement, refinement
: The new models have shown significant improvements.
: The company needs some good business improvement ideas.
inform (v) /ɪnˈfɔːrm/ tell, let someone know
: I will inform you of the price increase by the end of March.
: The president has informed us that he will retire next month.
inventory (n) /ˈɪnvəntɔːri/ list, record
: The company needs an inventory management system.
: Every six months, we take an inventory of everything in our shop.
invest (v) /ɪnˈvest/ put money into
: We invested heavily in Japanese stocks.
: I am interested in investing in Artificial Intelligence Technology.
investment (n) /ɪnˈvestmənt/ the action of investing money
: We need foreign investment to expand our business.
: Education is the best investment for your future.
invoice (n) /ˈɪnvɔɪs/ bill, receipt, charges, check
: I received an invoice for $ 125:00.
: We will send you an invoice for the total cost.
invoice (v) /ˈɪnvɔɪs/ charge, bill
: You will be invoiced for any damage to the rented apartment.
: We invoice our clients once a month.
launch /lɔːntʃ/ (n) the action of introducing a new product or service
: Many people attended the official launch of the Young Entrepreneurs Groups.
: We will soon announce the launch of our new website.
launch: (v) /lɔːntʃ/ introduce a new product or service
: The company is going to launch three new mobile phones.
: The company has already launched its latest collection of winter wear for women and men.
margin (n) /ˈmɑːrdʒɪn/the difference between the cost and the selling price of goods
: The margin on our products is between 40% to 70%.
: The company produces many low-cost products with high-profit margins.
merge (v) /mɜːrdʒ/ combine, unite
: Both companies plan to merge in April.
: The two departments merged last month.
merger (n) /ˈmɜːrdʒər/ combination, union
: What are the advantages of mergers?
: This mega-merger will create the largest insurance company in the U.S.
minutes (n) /ˈmɪnɪts/ a summary of what is said at a meeting
: Have you seen the minutes of our Monday meeting?
: Ask John to take the minutes of the meeting.
objective (n) /əbˈdʒektɪv/ aim, purpose, target
: What are your business objectives?
: The primary objective is to improve quality.
obtain (v) /əbˈteɪn/ get, gain
: Further information can be obtained from the head office.
: How can I obtain an import license?
outsource (v) /ˈaʊtsɔːs/ to ask someone from outside the company to do the work or supply goods for your company
: Some businesses outsource to cheaper locations to reduce costs.
: Thirty percent of my company’s manufacturing is outsourced.
overhead(s) (n) /ˈəʊvəhed/ regular money spent on (electricity, rent, water, phone, salaries, etc.) to keep your business running
: High overheads reduced our profits.
: We have to reduce our overheads to remain profitable.
personnel (n) /ˌpɜːsəˈnel/ the people who work for an organization or a company
: We need to increase female personnel to 30%.
: Could you please e-mail your resume to our personnel department?
prevent (v) /prɪˈvent/ to stop something from happening
: He tried hard to prevent his business from going bankrupt.
: We need to prevent information leakage.
prevention (n) /prɪˈvenʃn/ the action of stopping something from happening
: We should focus more on workplace injury prevention.
: Training new factory employees is essential for the prevention of accidents.
prioritize (v) /praɪˈɔːrətaɪz/ to decide to do the most important tasks first
: It is important to prioritize your most important tasks.
: We need to prioritize the needs of older people.
profit (v) /ˈprɑːfɪt/ make money, obtain financial advantage
: We have profited by selling our products internationally.
: Last year, we profited from a weaker dollar and the high volume of exports.
profit (n) /ˈprɑːfɪt/ financial gain
: The profit was divided among the investors.
: Our daily profit is around $3,000. 
promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/ advance, move up
: David was promoted to assistant manager last month.                             
: The government is trying to promote economic growth.
promotion (n) /prəˈməʊʃn/ advancement, moving up
: You can expect promotion if you improve your sales skills.
: There are a few ways to increase your chances of promotion.
purchase (v) /ˈpɜːrtʃəs/ buy, shop
: The company will allocate funds for the purchase of the new equipment.
: Keep all your receipts as proof of purchase.
purchase (n) ˈpɜːrtʃəs/ the action of buying something
: Customers often make purchase decisions based on price and quality.
: I made two online purchases yesterday.
recruit (v)/ rɪˈkruːt/ to find new people to work in a company or join an organization
 : Recruiting new employees begins in May.
 : There are plans to recruit new web designers next month. 
recruitment (n) /rɪˈkruːtmənt/ The action of finding new people to work in a company or join an organization
: We have been in the global recruitment market for over ten years.
: My wife works for a recruitment agency in London.
reduce (v) /rɪˈduːs/ make smaller, decrease
: Our aim is to reduce electricity use.
 : There are many ways to reduce business costs.
reduction (n) /rɪˈdʌkʃn/ cutting, lowering, scaling down
: During the Covid-19 pandemic, he faced a severe reduction in Income.
: There has been a slight reduction in oil prices.
respond (v) /rɪˈspɑːnd/ answer, reply to
: He hasn’t responded to my email yet.
: Companies usually respond to emails within 48 hours.
response (n) /rɪˈspɑːns/ an answer, action, or a reply
: Majority of customers expect a response within 48 hours.
: I am writing in response to your email of May 12th.
 revenue (n) /ˈrevənuː/ the amount of money a company receives in exchange for its goods and services, income
 : My company’s revenue increased for the third quarter.
 : The sales team has a plan to grow revenue by 25%.
strategy (n) /ˈstrætədʒi/ plan, plan of action
: Their strategy to increase sales was quite successful.
: There is a need for new strategies to reduce business costs.